Anna and I left Wednesday night for my mom's house in Illinois - in the middle of the biggest storm we've had so far this year. We made it safely, but not before seeing 12 cars in the ditch (some of them heading there right in front of us!) and nearly doubling the amount of time it usually takes to head to Grandma's. But we made it and my lovely sister had an appropriately large glass of white wine waiting for me upon arrival. Much fun was had after the munchkin went to bed, catching up with my sister, making fun of my mom (kindly, of course!) and just relaxing after a nerve-shattering drive and busy work week.
We spent Christmas Eve in Illinois, running errands, eating an unhealthy amount of food and in general, having a great time. Hubby and my brother joined us on Thursday evening in time for church and then we ate some more and watched the "Anna: Rare and Uncut" DVD that Hubby made for the grandparents as a Christmas gift (video clips from telling his family that we were expecting up to just a week or two ago - so fun/sad to watch, I can't believe how fast she's turned from a newborn into a little person). I made the comment a few times on Christmas Eve that I wish I had known what cool people my brother and sister were (or were going to become - no offense, Mike, but you were kind of a punk as a kid :), but to be fair, I was a moody brat too) when we all lived under one roof.
And then, as if she knew it were just the right time, Anna looked me in the eye and called me MAMA! Yes! It's true! I am no longer daddy! I now have my very own identity as "Mama!" I can't even tell you how excited I am about this. Even though she's mostly just been whining Mama at me (might as well get used to it, right?), my heart just melts every time she says it. Best. Present. Ever. Followed closely by the diamond necklace Hubby gave me. I felt awfully spoiled by the time our Christmas was finished!
I think Anna got more of a kick out of prying the lid off of a tin from my cousin than from actually opening presents, but she still chanted "Wow!!" over and over while shredding wrapping paper. She got a pair of Pink Bunny Slippers from Grandma Hootie that she has refused to take off since we put them on her feet (never mind that they are two sizes too big and make her look slightly like she has clown shoes on...) and a little table and chair set that I hope to have put together tonight or tomorrow for her play area in the basement.
Around 10, Anna had had enough and was screaming (literally) for a nap. We packed up all our goodies and headed back to Milwaukee to Hubby's family for Christmas day celebrations! I have really fun in-laws (and I'm not just saying that because I know my mother-in-law reads this blog!). Hubby has 3 sisters and a little brother and getting together with their side of the family is always really fun! Even after sleep for an hour and a half on the way back to Milwaukee, Anna stayed awake only long enough to open a couple of presents and then went down for a 3 hour nap. I was bummed because I actually had more fun when she was awake to play with her new toys and open her presents, but she made up for it when she (finally!) woke up! She got the rocking horse that Hubby got when he was this exact age and she loves it! She keeps walking up to it in our living room and petting its head. And she knew right away how to rock on it - Yes, I know, my child is a GENIUS!
We had the extended family Christmas gathering on Saturday. Unfortunately at that point, Anna (and I, if we're being honest) were just Christmas-ed out. She spent most of the evening there rubbing her tired eyes and fussing (and, since we're being honest, so did I). Just too much crammed into one weekend.
Sunday was spent just Anna and me laying low. We played for hours with her new toys - blocks and play kitchen, and a little wooden school bus with removable people that prove far too irresistible and must be put immediately into Anna's mouth (and if we're being honest, my mouth too - what? I said they were irresistible!), and a great tent and canvas tube which Anna immediately moved her blanket, teddy bear and pacifier into, and then kept pushing me out of. What is this? No grownups allowed already?? We shared a pizza (which she ate like a barbarian, doing her best to eat only the cheese, sauce and toppings with the slice plastered against her entire face) and then watched (about 10 minutes of) Finding Nemo. Anna stood 3 inches away from the TV screen chanting "Fishy, Fishy, Fishy, Fishy" the entire time. I didn't even know she knew that word.
As usual as I dropped her off at daycare this morning, I felt that stab of regret at not only the weekend being over and done with, but that she and I had to part ways for the day. But then she squished her face up against the front window to wave goodbye to me. A mental picture that is still making me laugh. Such a goofball, that girl. Can't wait for our next long weekend together!
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