BBCM is designed especially for little ones under the age of 10. Our favorite space to play was The Big Back Yard. It has a big sand table with lots of shovels and sifters, a gardening shed, a "vegetable garden" where kids can plant and pick cloth veggies, a slide, a bridge, rocking toys, foam blocks, magnetic pictures, etc. It's PERFECT for an 18 month old!

We were joking that Anna was the troll of the little bridge because she was getting very upset (loudly) at any other children trying to get near the bridge.

Once she discovered the slide she was content to play there for most of the morning. She and the other kids from daycare raced up the stairs and down the slide (and many tried to also race up the slide).

A little boy hopped into the apple truck with Anna shortly after I took this picture. He didn't speak English, but his mom did. She told me that he said he and Anna were going to drive together to Toronto and they would see us later. He was only about 3 or 4. Why Toronto? His mom didn't know.

I chaperoned this field trip last year as well. But that time, I was recently unemployed (I can't believe that was a year ago already!) and Anna was only 6 months old. She couldn't even sit up on her own yet, and now, just a little less than a year later, she was running around, trying out the exhibits and playing with her friends. I can't believe how much things change in just 12 months.
After having such a fun morning escaping the house (the snow and cold is not Anna's favorite and her formerly beloved "'side" is no longer a place she wants to visit very often), I've been wondering about other places around Milwaukee that would be good for us to check out. Toddler moms? I'm lookin' at you!
I'm not a toddler mom (or maybe I'm a TODDLERS mom with all my littles!) but there is a great Mom and Me morning at Stonefire Pizza from 9-11:30 each weekday morning that costs about $5 and includes breakfast and a wonderful play space. There is a huge Brio train set up, water tables and boats(complete with waterproof bibs for the kids to wear), A play restaurant, big block building area, face painting, and tubes, tunnels and slides to climb through. The moms who come tend to be quite friendly, it's all in one area, there are no big kids to trample the littles and it's the perfect cabin fever buster!